Fort Myers Deals

City Deals aggregates and shows you all the local group and social deals. We pull the latest deals in your city. You do not have to go to each and every group buying website, app to get information about the deal. City Deals brings all the deals at your fingertips and with few flicks and clicks you know, learn and buy deals to save money. We use Yipit api, Yipit gathers deals on products and experiences from Gilt, Groupon, LivingSocial, Jetsetter and hundreds more You can also share interesting deals with your social network, friends and family using Windows 8 share charm. You can also filter your deals and search for interesting deals for you and your friends. City deals does not store or transmit any information about a user. Your email address, name, or any personal information is not stored or transferred. For more information or questions, contact us at


  • Daily Social Deals aggregation
  • Brings deals from all the Major Group buying web sites
