
Local is a social network on a map. The map is dotted with digital data. This data comes from everywhere. Photos from Flickr and Instagram. History and points of interest from Wikipedia. Shops and buildings from Foursquare. Live events and group meetings from Meetups and Bandsintown. Local will automatically take you (hardware permitting) to your location. Then it will load all the nearby digital data. If Local cannot find your location, you can search for your address manually. Local works around the world, in any country, language, town or city. Local is a universal app. It will run on all of your Windows devices. From smartphones to desktop computers. Local even has a voice search feature (in Cortana enabled countries and devices only). Local can help you. It can help you find new shops, food and events in nearby cities. You can zoom in and out on the map at any time, too locate that perfect picnic spot. Whether you want to go on holiday, go camping or are looking for a great day out. Local will help you find relevant data faster than any other service on the planet. Local is more than a social network. Local is a search engine that uses a location to create relevant results. Local is the most powerful geographical search engine in the world. Finding photos of trains in England or viewing past work of a tattoo parlour in Philadelphia. Local can find you anything, anywhere, in seconds. Local does all this safely, quickly and smoothly. With a simple yet powerful user interface. Local has a growing user base. Posting messages and photos daily. Local is quickly becoming the best alternative to Craigslist and Gumtree. Local is easier and far more powerful to use. It doesn’t require registration. All you have to do is download the application. You can find a job using Local. Or even start a business. You can buy, sell or even trade goods. Local is elegantly simple. It is a noticeboard on a map. All you do is tap the heart to post. We have been helping neighbourhoods communicate locally since August 2013. Come join your Local Community today.


  • Post messages to your neighborhood.
  • View nearby information, photos and events from the leading platforms.
  • Sell items locally and advertise services.
  • Promote events and share what you find with other social networks.
  • See the world in a whole new way.

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3 December 2015

love all


27 November 2015

how do get the green apple of the right side of my screen


1 September 2015

It cool I love it


24 February 2015

It is not responding properly to command buttons


3 February 2015

Great locational app


26 December 2014

I love it


19 December 2014



14 December 2014

A place to hang your hat and call home if you desire to social network with others who hold a passion for it, at the same time consider they love popular music. Many fans of Elvis and Willie Nelson are most welcome to join. Offering free membership to do so, 18+. Check us out and add at our new blog at https://aussierockmanbrian2.wordpress.com/about/ now. Merry Christmas to all. rian aka Aussie Rockman


23 November 2014

quick and didn't punish or extort too bad for wrong "click"


12 October 2014


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