Media: Short Stories #2

This is a group of six(6) short stories ranging from beginner to advance. These stories presents situations, life, and drama that will make interesting and enjoyable reading. Short Stories include: 1. A lady ponders thoughts about life while stopped at a traffic light. Some of these thoughts are looming and dark. 2. When a fire rages thru an apartment building the tenants fears and horrors are explored. 3. This female officer of the law must meet the challenge to take down and arrest this big brute of a guy. 4. A poet club member's life takes a turn for the worst when he steps out for refreshments. 5. When a mayor visits a city his life changes when he's set on visiting the top floor of a luxury hotel. 6. A visit to a friend teaches a lesson on moving forward in life. Notes: 1. Stories are beginner to advance. 2. Review screen shot for story introduction. 3. Please! Please! Please! Rate and give comments on this group of stories. Thanks. 4. App Available to: Windows 10 Desktop.


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